Interlocking Section Factory System – 28mm ** updated December2023 **


** this file was reviewed in December 2023and was reworked to add base plates for all sections, and improved printability **

This is an original file to print an easily adaptable factory for 28mm wargaming. The file contains five different files, all with interconnect with lugs into whatever format you wish. the files include

  1. Factory front with option of three pre-scripted signs (in Cyrillic, German and French) as well as a blank one you can write your own script on, or simply leave off, as the sign slips into a recess on the underside of the roof and thus no void if visible if not used. It is friction fit so you can switch them out easily, no need to glue)
  2. Factory middle section. You can print as many as you wish to extend the factory
  3. Factory chimney section – with a chimney cap and a man door
  4. Factory rear section with two large doors
  5. Factory ruined section ( you can switch out a section turned to ruins in the game with a ruined section.
  6. Base plates for all five different sections noted above.

All sections come with a roof file unique to that file.

There is but one part on the middle and rear sections that needs to be glued, so you can easily pack the building away.

The signs read

Cyrillic : “Factory 14”

German : “Shoe Factory”

French : “Warehouse SEIT” (which was the government tobacco monopoly in pre-war France)

Created by DeweycatProductions
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