Special Purposes Unit of the Militia (OMON) First Chechen War (1994-1996)_1


OMON (Russian: ОМОН – mobile special purpose detachment, Latinized: otryad mobiĺný osobogo naznacheniya, lit. ‘Mobile special purpose detachment’, special purpose police detachment, Latinized: otryad militsiì osobogo naznacheniya, lit. ‘Special purpose police detachment’) is a system of special police units within the Russian National Guard. Earlier it operated within the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and Russia (MVD). Originating in 1988 as a special-purpose unit of the Soviet police, it played an important role in several armed conflicts during and after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Customer: Sheng Zhe

Created by AQUILA
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